FSMDB Offers Home Loans

The FSM Development Bank is pleased to announce to the general public that the Bank now offers Home Loans.  The bank is now accepting application for its Direct Home Loans – an FSMDB funded loan program.  This loan program is mainly to finance the construction of primary residential homes and can be used for the following purposes:

[list unordered]

Construction of a new home

Purchase of a home

Home improvement (renovations)

Major home appliances and fixtures such as alternative power sources and other major amenities.


For eligibility and details on the Housing Loan Program briefly described above, please contact Mary Lou Yatilman, Rendy Abraham, or Augustine Loyola @ telephone number 320-5300 or e-mail(s): augustinel@fsmdb.fm or rendya@fsmdb.fm.   Or you may contact your local FSMDB Branch office as follows:

State Office Location Contact Person Telephone E-mail
Kosrae Fred Skilling Building Andriet Tilfas 370-3070 andriett@fsmdb.fm
Pohnpei Town Plaza Building Rendy Abraham 320-2624 rendya@fsmdb.fm
Chuuk Transco Building Crystal Angela Sana 330-2760 crystals@fsmdb.fm
Yap YCA Building Katherine Gisog 350-2165 katherineg@fsmdb.fm