FSMDB Training Institute
The FSMDB Development & Finance Training Institute (DFI) was established in 2014. The purpose of the DFI is to provide training opportunities for the bank’s employees, clients, customers, business partners, government and non-government partners and all other stakeholders. Specifically, the DFI is charged with the following objectives:
- To implement staff development and training in accordance with the bank’s policy.
- To provide, coordinate and facilitate training programs and opportunities for its employees, clients, customers, board members, government and non-government partners, and all other stakeholders in the FSM and the Pacific Region.
- To coordinate and provide development and finance learning opportunities through exchange and networking programs offered for member organizations regional and/or international.
- To solicit and obtain development and finance grants and other funds for training purposes.
The DFI offers the following courses each year through its partnership with Asia Business Consultants Inc.,
- Decision Making for Executives,
- Trainers Training,
- Good Corporate Governance
- Human Capital Management
- Competitive Business Strategy for Entrepreneurs and Small Business,
- Risk Management
- Financial Accounting for Non-accountants.
- Executive Assistant courses
- Retirement Plan Workshop, and more.
The DFI has successfully conducted these courses for the bank’s employees, clients or customers and government and non-government executives from both the private and public sectors in the past few years. In addition, the institute won a prestigious Outstanding Development Award from Association of Development Financing Institute in Asia Pacific (ADFIAP) in 2016 in recognition and honor for its innovative efforts to establish such outstanding development project in the region.